On this page, you will find a collection of resources developed by Justice Collective and the Racism on Trial campaign. This includes organizing tools, ranging from references and links for people impacted by criminalization and their communities to background information about the criminal legal system. Check out our Glossary to understand key terms as you explore this website as well as our Courtwatching legal guide, a legal and practical primer for groups who want to courtwatch across Germany. Scroll through Why we watch court and Resources for activists to think more about courtwatching as a tool to resist harmful punishment practices.
Justice Collective Primers

Definitions for key terms.

Resources for impacted people
A list of resources for people impacted by criminalization and their communities, including sources for legal and other assistance.

Courtwatching legal guide
An overview of criminal law and procedure along with practical tips and examples from our own courtwatching. Designed for groups looking to engage in courtwatching as activism in Germany.

Why we watch court
An overview of courtwatching as a tool of abolitionist and anti-racist organizing, with details on why we watch court to challenge the punishment and criminalization of low-level criminal cases.

Demands for non-reformist reforms to the criminal legal system 2025
Non-reformist reforms to address the harms of the punishment system. Join us in fighting for real change now!

Resources for activists
Collection of inspiring resources and campaign materials by abolitionist groups in Germany and courtwatch groups globally.

What does the criminal legal system look like?
Infographics on the scope of the criminal legal system.